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Our Mission:

Healthy Life.

Happy Life.

At Renew, our goal is to provide integrated care of chiropractic adjustments and functional medicine for the community of Overland Park, and the greater KC metro area. To help others achieve their optimal health, so that they can live their healthiest and happiest life.


Dr. Sabra

Meet Dr. Sabra Coop. Dr. Coop received her Bachelors Degree in Medical Laboratory Science at Wichita State University, and went on to receive her Doctorate of Chiropractic at Cleveland University in Overland Park, Kansas.

8 years in School

Dr. Sabra went Cowley Community College, Wichita State University, and Cleveland Chiropractic to complete her schooling.


Many patients adjusted in this community

Dr Sabra has helped patients with many areas of complaints, including: shoulder pain, knee pain, patella tracking disorder, rib pain, neck pain, low back pain, pelvic pain with pregnancy, ankle pain, etc.


300 hours of post graduate work

Dr. Sabra completed 300 hrs of post-grad DABCI work over: nutrition, lab work, and internal disorders.


Services Offered

chiropractic care

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and gentle approach for pain relief associated with the spine and all other joints. Chiropractic care can help improve and maintain normal joint function for the spine and all other joints of the body. Dr Sabra is trained in many chiropractic techniques, to ensure the best patient centered care is given to each individual. Chiropractic care can provide relief from many conditions that include (but are not limited to): neck pain, back pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, headaches, sciatica, shoulder pain, golfer’s elbow, patella tracking disorder, and many more. If you are having pain, please call to see if your specific complaint may benefit from chiropractic care.

                Soft tissue therapy is also utilized as an adjunctive procedure to help improve the outcome of musculoskeletal conditions. These adjunctive procedures include: instrument assisted soft tissue technique, pin n stretch, cupping, ultrasound, traction table, taping, and exercise therapies. Each patient will receive a treatment plan specific to their musculoskeletal complaint, with any of the above treatments being utilized.

Functional Medicine and Diagnostic Testing

Functional medicine seeks to determine the cause of symptoms, and to help individuals live a healthier life through natural treatment options. Each functional medicine patient will receive a nutritional consult to determine the best direction of care needed. At the initial visit, a thorough history and exam will be taken. Diagnostic laboratory testing through blood, urine, stool, and saliva samples can be done to analyze the following:         hormones, thyroid function, adrenal function, inflammation, infections, stool analysis, urinalysis, lipid panel, hemoglobin A1C, food allergy and sensitivity, autoimmune disorders, weight, yeast infections, and much more. A customized plan will then be given with nutritional recommendations based on lab results with natural treatment options (diet, supplements, herbs, etc) specific to each individual’s needs.



“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Psalm 51:10 / Read Full Chapter